About Ontario Long-term care accommodation costs and subsidy


About Ontario Long-term care accommodation costs and subsidy

We must first understand the fact that Ontario's long-term care and nursing home is not free. Although the government has already covered the medical treatment, the accommodation fee for the nursing home is self-paying (of course, depending on the situation, there may be government subsidies). But Canadians have pensions, and pensions can generally be used for the cost of accommodation in nursing homes.

Accommodation rates (July 1, 2019)

Type of accommodation Daily rate Monthly rate
Long-stay Basic $62.18 $1,891.31
Long-stay Semi-private $74.96 (Basic plus a maximum of $12.78) $2,280.04
Long-stay Private $88.82 (Basic plus a maximum of $26.64) $2,701.61
Short-stay $40.24 N/A

Government subsidy If you don't have enough income to pay for the basic room, you may be eligible for a subsidy through the Long-Term Care Home Rate Reduction Program.

What’s covered by the subsidy If you qualify, you could get a subsidy of up to $1,891.31 a month to help you pay for basic long-term care accommodation.

Whether or not you qualify for financial help?

Depens on:

  • Your net income
  • OAS - Old Age Security pesion (65+ years old)
  • Ontario Disability Support Program if you do not have OAS
  • GIS - Guranteed Income Supplement (65+ years old)
  • Guaranteed Annual Income System Benefit

All of the above information is from Ontario government website, please read there to get more details information.